“Dealing with issues from childhood is front and center when it comes to emotional healing.”

Debbie Wallace is passionate about Jesus Christ. She is keen on the concerns of women in the church today. Debbie believes in the dignity and the strength of women, and she wishes to encourage women in their unique purpose.
Debbie is the author the Armor Series, a sequence of four volumes that addresses emotional freedom. Her Freedom Class—link below—follows the seven-step process presented in the series, which she details with her personal testimony. Debbie has had the joyous opportunity of leading others to freedom and seeing their testimonies become a living witness to her own story. “The process works,” she says, “because it’s God’s way of setting people free.”
Debbie is convinced that the time is right for the church to get in shape to influence the world, and the first order of business is freedom from the past. Debbie is delighted to share her story—and her victory—with others, so they can gain their freedom as well.
Emotional healing is a process which requires dealing with issues from childhood. In seven steps, Debbie will take you by the and and walk you through it. If you’ve given up hope, dare to dream again. You can attain an emotional freedom you never dreamed possible!
Visit our sister site: thefreedomclass.org!
Here in Girl Church, we believe that God is good. He loves, and He cares about everything we do. We are convinced that doing things God’s way is easier than doing it any other way. We believe that God wants you to win at life—and we want you to win, too! We hope the love of God will shine through you so as to influence your closest relationships and touch every one you meet.

Instead of Shame
Debbie’s recently published book, Instead of Shame, introduces the concept of emotional healing by resolving issues from childhood. Direct and powerful, the book primarily addresses those suffering from low self-worth and the resulting dysfunction of emotional bondage initiated in the early years. The reader is encouraged to constructively confront the pain of the past to attain lasting emotional freedom. Instead of Shame concludes with an invitation to The Freedom Class, a scripturally sound seven-step process the author details with her personal testimony.
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GC Sunday School
The GC Sunday School is a collection of courses which will enhance your knowledge and understanding of God’s Word. In a wide range of topics, Debbie discusses how these matters specifically pertain to women. And in particular, a strong emphasis is placed on discovering God’s way of doing things. So start today! Learn to enrich your life through God’s Word!