Personal Worksheet
- Do you have some negative thoughts that you tend to dwell on? (These may be connected to old memories of the past, destructive relationships, or unjust conditions in your life now, etc) If so, what are they?
2. Write out 2 Corinthians 10:5:
3. One reason you should not dwell on negative thoughts is because IT IS NOT BENEFICIAL. How can you see that this applies to you personally?
4. Another reason you should not dwell on negative thoughts is because IT WILL KEEP YOU STUCK IN THE MUCK OF DESPAIR. How does this apply to you? Is it true — have you been stuck in negative feelings?
5. Another reason you should not dwell on negative thoughts is because IT ISN’T GOD’S WAY. Why should you do things God’s way?
6. What negative thoughts can you IDENTIFY that keep recurring over and over in your mind? Write them down.
7. What happy, pleasant thoughts can you think about that will bump the negative thoughts from your mind?
8. Do you understand this activity of STOP and REPLACE must be intentional on your part?
9. Do you believe you can do this? Find one scripture verse that says you can. Write it below.
10. Write in the space below: God loves me, and I am first on His mind today! (Put a smiley face with it!)